Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Amy and her friends arrived in Addis Ababa last night about 10:30. I was so excited they made the long journey with no plane issues or delays. I haven't talked to her cuz her iphone has no service!!! But have gotten texts that she is ok (from Mike, their SM contact). I miss her!!!!!
I am praying ALOT!! Makes you pray more earnestly and frequently...


  1. Oh man she is going to have the best time.....I want to visit them there on my way!! Do you know how far they are from Addis the capital?

  2. They are 280 miles west of Addis. It would be SOOO cool if you could go visit them. They would love to see you. You can go to Wollega Academy and see what it looks like.
    I am excited to see you soon here in WW.
